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Breakdown according to applications (so far only up to WIN7/2008)

To view transferred data according to applications, enter the Internet bandwidth monitor in the section Presentation and Evaluation -> Presentation -> Internet bandwidth monitor, select the customer, for whom you want to display the overview, using the upper filter. In the left part, you'll see the whole network topology including all specific devices. If you want to view the overview of transferred data according to applications for a specific PC, then click on this PC in the topology on the left side, which will automatically open a new window, in which there's a tab Details of PC transfer, in which you can click on the link to view Overview of processes, as you can see on the next image.

View of the transferred data breakdown according to applications

Image: Zobrazenie rozpisu prenesených dát podľa aplikácií

This overview can also be exported into Excel, the export is illustrated on the next image.

Export of transferred data according to applications into excel

Image: Export prenesených dát podľa aplikácií do excelu

In the tab Transferred data, you can view percentage contribution of particular processes to the transferred data, as displayed on the following image.

Percentage contribution of particular processes to the transferred data - displayed in a graph

Image: Percentuálne príspevky procesov k preneseným dátam - zobrazené na grafe

This graph can also be exported into Excel, the export is displayed on the next image. In the export, there's total upload and download of each process written under the graph.

Percentage contribution of particular processes to the transferred data - export into .xls

Image: Percentuálne príspevky procesov k preneseným dátam - export do .xls
Zobrazenie rozpisu prenesených dát podľa aplikáciíExport prenesených dát podľa aplikácií do exceluPercentuálne príspevky procesov k preneseným dátam - zobrazené na grafePercentuálne príspevky procesov k preneseným dátam - export do .xls