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Introduction to setup of Online monitoring - Watches

Watches come from the word watch, meaning "guard / patrol". Watch can have two states, OK or FAIL, based on verity of Conditions, which the Watch is build of. A Condition is comparison of a concrete parameter, for example free space on the C: drive, towards your entered value. The current value from the Condition is transferred to CM Server and there's a graph available on CM portal, which is generated on its basis.

There are two ways to perform Setup of Watches - through C-Monitor client (Windows versions only) and via CM Portal.

When a Watch is switching state from OK to FAIL, it triggers "Start" actions in C-Monitor (if there are any defined) and CM Server sends a standardized message about change of the Watch's state to FAIL to the assigned operators.
If the FAIL state continues, it triggers "Repeat" actions, if the state lasts longer than 24 hours, CM Server sends a standardized message about persistence of the FAIL state once per 24hours to the assigned operators
When the state returns to OK, it triggers "End" actions and CM Server sends a standardized message about change of the Watch's state back to OK to the assigned operators

Actions allow to intentionally notify by email to any address, show messages on screen, execute a program or a scheduled task, restart a service, log some text into a file. Learn how to set Actions here.

Changes of Watches may be manipulated by advanced settings, and therefore prevent useless messages.

Watches are very flexible tools for monitoring, it certainly pays off to learn how to use them. If you'd have problems with some settings or functions, be sure to contact us ( !