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Presentation and Evaluation



History of errors

Errors on computers



Watches (Online monitoring)


Online information

Internet bandwidth monitor

Changes on the computer

Photo documentation

Manager information


Number of reg. computers


The section Presentation and Evaluation is focused on monitoring of function of all objects registered on CM portal. It contains information about errors on devices, configuration data from separate zones, current information about conputers - online information, in this section you can create photo documentation for each customer and also create transparent reports.



This section contains a list of all errors on computers labeled with level, duration and description of the error. After clicking on a concrete error, you have an option to confirm the error or block its evaluation, and there's also an information on how to fix the error.

View of the list of errors on devices registered on CM portal

Image: Zobrazenie zoznamu porúch na zariadeniach registrovaných na CM portáli


History of errors

In this section is displayed history of already removed errors.

View of already removed errors on the section History of errors

Image: Zobrazenie už odstránených porúch v časti História porúch


Errors on computers

In this section you have the errors are filtered on individual computers.

Options of filtering of errorss

Image: Možnosti filtrovania zobrazenia porúch na počítačoch

An example of view of backup errors

Image: Príklad zobrazenia porúch zo zálohovaní




In this section are displayed configuration data, data about HW etc. for individual zones.

Zobrazenie vybraných zón pre počítače registrované na CM portáli

Image: Zobrazenie vybraných zón pre počítače registrované na CM portáli


Watches (Online monitoring)

This section contains a list of all Watches, which are evaluated on the computers. Through the CM portal, you can edit these watches, add conditions for their evaluation, or you can remove them entirely.

View of watches and their current status

Image: Zobrazenie watchov a ich aktuálneho stavu

View and settings of watches' actions after a change of their status through CM portal

Image: Zobrazenie a nastavovanie akcií watchov pri zmene ich stavu cez CM portál

View and settings of conditions for evaluation of watches on CM portal

Image: Zobrazenie a nastavovanie podmienok pre vyhodnocovanie watchov na CM portáli



This section contains a list of all devices registered on CM portal. Thanks to the upper filter, you can sort these devices for a concrete company, customer, etc. Since version 2.6, we've added an automatic detection of the porgram Skype with the last logged-in Skype name. This information is displayed on the following image in the last row.

Detail of a computer with basic information about HW, contact on the user,  with an option of remote access

Image: Detail počítača so základnými informáciami o HW, kontaktom na používateľa a možnosťou vzdialeného pripojenia


Online information

This section contains the current information about the computer, there's displayed the current load of the PC's HW components, there are also displayed two processes, which load the memory and processor the most, as well as the current network configuration.

Online information - current IP address

Image: Online informácie - aktuálna IP adresa

View of histogram of the PC load from Online information

Image: Zobrazenie historgamu záťaže PC z Online informácií

Read more information at Online information

Internet bandwidth monitor  

In this section is a view of data transferred in the network for individual computers, with an option to separate it to processes, with detail of the transfer according to applications.

Internet bandwidth monitor

Image: Internet bandwidth monitor

Read more information in the section Data transferred through the internet

Changes on the computer

In this section are displayed all changes of the computer's HW and SW configuration.

View of changes on the computer with an option to filter it to a concrete zone

Image: Zobrazenie zmien na počítači s možnosťou filtrácie na konkrétnu zónu

View of changes on the PC for the zone Software

Image: Zobrazenie zmien na PC pre zónu softvér
Photo documentation

Since version 2.6 we've added an option to add images to every device registered on CM portal. The images are added in the section Presentation and Evaluation -> Presentation -> Computers, thanks to the upper filter you search for the required device and in the row Picture, as displayed on the following image, press the button manage your photos. In the next window you can load and name the images and press the button Add photos.

Option to add a picture to every device in CM

Image: Možnosť pridať obrázok ku každému zariadeniu v CM

When successfully added, the photo will show under the device, as displayed on the following image.

View of a device with an added picture

Image: Zobrazenie zariadenia s pridaným obrázkom

The photo documentation located at Presentation and Evaluation -> Presentation -> Photo documentation  has also gone through wide changes. In this section you can add photo documentation, for instance photos of wiring of switchs, photos of the server room etc. that will help with orientation in case a problem occurs.

Vstup do foto dokumentácie pre konkrétneho zákazníka

Image: Vstup do foto dokumentácie pre konkrétneho zákazníka

In the photo documentation are displayed all photos assigned to objects, other photos can be added in the section photo documentation where you can search for a concrete customer through the upper filter and press the button show. In the next window you'll be able to add images, but also edit them, as well as sort them into groups for easier orientation. An example of a complete photo documentation is displayed on the following image.

Výsledný stav fotodokumentácie konkrétneho zákazníka

Image: Výsledný stav fotodokumentácie konkrétneho zákazníka

Manager information



In this section you have an option to create transparent reports, which help you to maintain the best possible state of devices registered on CM portal.

List of reports

Image: Zoznam reportov

More information can be found in the section Reports.

Number of registered computers

This section contains a list of the total number of registered PCs on CM portal that are separated according to the type of license.

Numbers of PCs registered in CM divided by type of their license

Image: Počty zaregistrovaných PC v CM rozdelený podľa typu licencie
Zobrazenie zoznamu porúch na zariadeniach registrovaných na CM portáliZobrazenie už odstránených porúch v časti História porúchMožnosti filtrovania zobrazenia porúch na počítačochPríklad zobrazenia porúch zo zálohovaníZobrazenie vybraných zón pre počítače registrované na CM portáliZobrazenie watchov a ich aktuálneho stavuZobrazenie a nastavovanie akcií watchov pri zmene ich stavu cez CM portálZobrazenie a nastavovanie podmienok pre vyhodnocovanie watchov na CM portáliDetail počítača so základnými informáciami o HW, kontaktom na používateľa a možnosťou vzdialeného pripojeniaOnline informácie - aktuálna IP adresaZobrazenie historgamu záťaže PC z Online informáciíInternet bandwidth monitorZobrazenie zmien na počítači s možnosťou filtrácie na konkrétnu zónuZobrazenie zmien na PC pre zónu softvérMožnosť pridať obrázok ku každému zariadeniu v CM Zobrazenie zariadenia s pridaným obrázkomVstup do foto dokumentácie pre konkrétneho zákazníkaVýsledný stav fotodokumentácie konkrétneho zákazníkaZoznam reportovPočty zaregistrovaných PC v CM rozdelený podľa typu licencie