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Monitoring of HW servers via vmware ESXi plugin

ESX plugin is functional since the version VMware ESX 5.0, to set a watch for monitoring of vmware ESX servers through ESX plugin, you must know the ESX server's IP address and you need to have a valid login and password. For correct function, you must enable ILO on the server, and set a valid IP address to it.

After fulfilling the basic conditions and setup, move to Scheduler where you'll configure the monitoring. Press the button add Watch using the wizard as shown on the next image and enter name of the Watch.

Creation of watch for monitoring of an ESX server

Image: Vytvorenie watchu pre monitoring ESX servera

Subsequently, select from the item Preddefined health templates a template called VMware ESX health plugin, as displayed on the next image.

Vyber preddefinovanej šablóny pre ESX plugin

Image: Vyber preddefinovanej šablóny pre ESX plugin

In the next window, enter IP address and login data to the ESX server, then press the button Test Edit Script, by which you'll test function of communication between the ESX server and C-Monitor client.

Setting the IP address and login data to ESX server + test of function

Image: Nastavenie IP adresy a prihlasovacích údajov do ESX servera + otestovanie funkčnosti

To launch the script, press the green arrow.

Launching the script to test function of evaluation of the ESX server's parameters

Image: Spustenie skriptu pre otestovanie funkčnosti vyhodnocovania parametrov ESX servera

Before the execution, you'll be prompted to sign the ESX plugin, a successful creation of the signature is displayed on the following image.

Signing the executing file for ESX plugin

Image: Podpísanie spúšťacieho súboru pre ESX plugin

When the connection is successfully tested, press Next. In the next window you'll see a list of parameters, which the ESX plugin evaluates on ESX servers.

List of parameters, which are going to be evaluated

Image: Zoznam parametrov, ktoré sa budú vyhodnocovať

In the next step, set actions that should be executed, in case the Watch is switched to Fail state.

Setup of actions in case the Watch is switched to Fail state

Image: Nastavenie akcií v prípade prechudu watchu do stavu fail

After passing through the whole wizard, press Save, as you can see on the next image.

Saving the watch's settings

Image: Uloženie nastavení watchu

The current state of the Watch can be viewed through C-Monitor client in the section Watch state, as is shown on the next image.

View of the current state of watch through C-Monitor client

Image: Zobarazenie aktuálneho stavu watchu cez C-Monitor klienta

The Watch's state can be viewed also on CM portal, in the section Presentation and Evaluation -> Presentation -> Watches (online monitoring).

View of the ESX server's status via CM portal

Image: Zobrazenie stavu ESX servera prostredníctvom CM portálu