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Events in the Eventlog

C-EventLogConsole is a tool for viewing and searching events. It's function is similar to the Event Viewer tool, which is a component of management tools. The application loads a list of all events of a chosen type, and based on the user-entered condition (script), searches the list for all events that meet the given condition. The obtained "list of found events" can be viewed, or eventually saved in several formats. The tool works in interactive mode with user interface, or in non-interactive mode, based on the command line parameters

Creation of settings (script)

Creation of scheduled task


Creation of settings (skript)

Before scheduling a periodic task for monitoring of events in the eventlog, first you have to configure its settings, i.e. you choose rules, so that you'll only see required events.
Begin the setup by launching the module C-EventLogConsole, as you can see on the next image.

Vstup do modulu C-EventLogConsole cez tray menu C-Monitor ikonky

In the new window, select Eventlog of that area, which you want to view; we've chosen the EventLog of applications in our case.

Select type of events, which you want to get listed

Image: Zvolíte si typ udalostí, ktoré chcete aby sa vám vylistovali

To search for a specific type of event, you must define conditions. They are added using the wizard, as you can see on the next image.

Using the wizard, define conditions (filter) to only view a selected type of events from the Eventlog

Image: Pomocou sprievodcu si zadefinujete podmienky (filter) pre zobrazenie len vybraných udalostí z event logu

By clicking on the button shown in the next image, you'll see a window in which you can choose from a list of prepared conditions.

Select the required display conditions

Image: Zvolíte si požadované podmienky zobrazenia

For easier understanding, we've given an example for searching only events of the type Application Hang - on the next image is a condition that will look for all events, which contain the word "Hang" in the column Source.

Example, where only events of the type "application hang" will be displayed

Image: Príklad pre zobrazenie len eventov typu application hang

After confirming the created conditions, press the button marked with number 1 on the next image to only view Events according to the predefined conditions - as you can see, only events of the type Application Hang were displayed on the bottom in our case. When you've confirmed that only required events are displayed, press button no. 2, and save your settings with the option Save Conditions.

View of events according to predefined conditions + saving the settings

Image: Zobrazenie eventov podľa preddefinovaných podmienok + uloženie nastavení

The process of settings creation is now ended, so you may continue by creating a periodic task.

Creation of scheduled task

A new periodic task is created after entering to Scheduler-MonitorConsole through tray menu of the C-Monitor icon, as displayed on the next image.

Entry to scheduler to add a periodic task

Image: Vstup de schedulera pre pridanie pravidelnej úlohy

Execution of the wizard for scheduling of Process Events with C-EventLogConsole is illustrated on the following image.

Creation of a periodic task through C-Monitor tray icon

Image: Vytvorenie pravidelnej úlohy cez C-Monitor tray ikonku

Select type of Event, e.g. for monitoring of Application Hang events, select the option Application EventLog.

Selection of Eventlog type

Image: Výber typu Eventlogu

In the next window, insert the file with settings, which you've created according to the previous part of this article.

Here you'll enter the settings, which you've created and saved in the previous steps

Image: Sem vložíte nastavenia, ktoré ste si vytvorili a uložili v predchádzajúcich krokoch

In the window shown on the next image, you have an option to send selected events on email.

Option to set sending of eventlog with event type "application hang" on email

Image: Možnosť nastavenia posielanie eventlogu s typom udalosti application hang na email

You should then choose a time interval of the task's execution, the image shows a 5 minute interval.

Setup of execution period of the task, in this case it's every 5 minutes

Image: Nastavenie periódy spúšťania úlohy, v tomto prípade každých 5 minút

After the scheduled task's first execution, you'll receive an email with all application hang events. You won't receive another email until a new event of the type application hang is found.

Email sent from C-Monitor, which contains detailed information about application hang events from the event log

Image: Email odoslaný z C-Monitora zobrazujúci podrobné informácie a application hang udalostiach z event logu


Vstup do modulu C-EventLogConsole cez tray menu C-Monitor ikonkyZvolíte si typ udalostí, ktoré chcete aby sa vám vylistovaliPomocou sprievodcu si zadefinujete podmienky (filter) pre zobrazenie len vybraných udalostí z event loguZvolíte si požadované podmienky zobrazeniaPríklad pre zobrazenie len eventov typu application hangZobrazenie eventov podľa preddefinovaných podmienok + uloženie nastaveníVstup de schedulera pre pridanie pravidelnej úlohyVytvorenie pravidelnej úlohy cez C-Monitor tray ikonkuVýber typu EventloguSem vložíte nastavenia, ktoré ste si vytvorili a uložili v predchádzajúcich krokochMožnosť nastavenia posielanie eventlogu s typom udalosti application hang na emailNastavenie periódy spúšťania úlohy, v tomto prípade každých 5 minútEmail odoslaný z C-Monitora zobrazujúci podrobné informácie a application hang udalostiach z event logu