The CM Decalogue

Meet the ten Customer Monitor properties, which may surprise you on the first sight.

"10 benefits of CM that can´t be found in the manuals. 10 paradoxes that will play in your favor. 10 challenges that CM is ready to prove also in your company."


1.  With CM, you´re at your client, even if you´re not there.
2.  With CM you work less, but do more.

With CM you know about problems sooner than your clients.

4.  CM is full of functions, and still transparent.

CM is sophisticated, but still easy to operate.

6.  CM has got everything under control, while you feel much freer.
7.  CM is curious, but still more than discrete.
8.  With CM, more data means less chaos.
9.  CM is everywhere, but it doesn´t hinder.

CM can see deep, but always informs the client about sensitive events.


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