CM Inventory HW
Enables to record all devices within the company. Computers with the C-Monitor client get added technical data from the technical section of CM, for other devices the data must be input manually.
A component part is a detection of network (routers) topology based on acquired default GW from individual computers
Typical properties of the component HW Inventory :
Automated inclusion of computer into HW inventory after installation of the C-Monitor client
Valid for all supported platforms
Evidence of purchased HW according to invoices
Optional pairing of invoice and device, which gives you a complete evidence at one place
Evidence of validity of devices warranty
Notifying its expiry through the mutual section Errors
Support of images
An image may be input to the device, for computers it is displayed in other selected parts of CM
Simple automated network topology
Automated assignment of computers with C-Monitor according to network affiliation
Additional manual evidence of other network elements
Simple drawing of ground plans and location of devices in the HW inventory
Warning: requires Flash
List of computers with configuration in the company
Evidence card
Protocol to takeover of liability (including selection of assigned devices)
Summary lists of devices
Lists of purchased HW
List of IP addresses and computers in the network for a certain period
Read more detailed information at How CM works in the section Evidence of hardware.